Emmaus Road

Within The LOT Program we get to provide food, clothing, and hygiene products free of charge to individuals in our community experiencing the adverse effects of poverty. Since 2009 we have been blown away by the generosity of our community and the beauty of meeting with our friends in need and ministering to them over a time of fellowship. These items we distribute are simply the means to an end which allows us to develop intentional relationships with those we serve. We serve between 60-100 guests every Tuesday and Thursday with unique circumstances and backgrounds. With our current staffing and volunteer capacities it would be impossible for us to individually lead and help every person who walks through our doors. With this in mind, we seek to “Do for one what we wish we could do for everyone”. This philosophy has led to the creation of our Emmaus Road Program, a six month mentoring program designed to foster intentional relationships and equip individuals to take the next step in their life to move towards wholeness, stability, and wellness. Whereas our meals twice a week can feel like we are going a mile wide and an inch deep with the people we serve, we strive within Emmaus Road to go an inch wide and a mile deep. To quote The LOT Project’s culture statement, “Our success as an organization is not measured by the number of lives we change, but by our fidelity towards every individual we encounter.”

We get the name for this program from the 24th chapter of the Gospel of Luke. On the morning of Jesus’ resurrection he appears to two disciples walking together on the road to Emmaus, about a seven mile journey. The disciples do not recognize him as he begins to walk alongside them, listening to them speaking about all the things that had recently unfolded. Jesus doesn’t perform a miracle, he doesn’t rebuke their unbelief, they can’t even recognize him in his resurrected state. As the two disciples are speaking of his crucifixion and their dismay he reveals to them that all the things that had happened were necessary for God’s glory and the good of humanity. Once they get to the place they are going they invite Jesus to stay with them for the night. As he breaks the bread over dinner the disciples' eyes are opened and they recognize this man to be Jesus - he then vanishes. 

What struck me the most about this passage in Luke 24 is the means that Jesus chose to minister to the two disciples in that moment. He doesn’t “do” anything for them, no miracle is performed, he simply walks alongside them and explains his understanding of the scriptures in order to encourage them. The reason we named our program after this passage of scripture is because it is our desire to simply walk alongside the people we serve, to answer questions they may have, and to allow them to accomplish the goals and next steps in their lives with someone who cares for them in their corner. 

Considering the wide range of circumstances and contributing factors that can lead a person to experience homelessness, we approach each individual with a uniquely catered approach to taking their next steps. Some folks struggle with addiction, some have disabilities of various natures, some folks simply need help obtaining legal documents so that they can pursue job opportunities. The goal of Emmaus Road is not to hand the person the thing they need, but rather to provide them with moral support, transportation, and resources to take their next step on their own. This model gives our participants the dignity of making efforts to better themselves and seeing for themselves what they are capable of. We have found one of the biggest impacts this program has on the individuals participating in it is providing them with someone in their corner who will be there for them and hold them accountable. This is effective in our context due to many of the individuals we serve lacking a typical support system of family or friends that most of us take for granted. 

Since August of 2022 we have been able to bring four individuals into this program and continue to walk alongside them as they take their next steps. One man participating in this program was homeless and addicted to methamphetamine in the summer of 2022.  By August, he came to the end of himself and asked for help. We were able to meet him where he was, walk alongside him and help him meet his goals of being involved in Godly community, living on a budget, finding housing, and purchasing a vehicle to get him to and from work. We still meet with this individual regularly and are proud to say that he has accomplished all of his set goals and now is giving back to other folks with similar struggles.

The next step in this program is to bring more volunteers on board to lead individuals through the Emmaus Road process. As an organization we cherish the stories of the four individuals who have benefited from our efforts so far, but we have many more people who come through our doors who express a desire to move into better circumstances for their lives. We need people who are committed to seeing long term change in the lives of our less fortunate neighbors. Once we develop a team of volunteers we will be able to begin hosting weekly Emmaus Road gatherings where participants and leaders can gather for a time of worship, encouragement, and support. As an organization our LOT Program will continue to provide food, clothing, and hygiene items to anyone who is in need. The Emmaus Road subprogram simply allows us to equip willing individuals with the support and resources they need to get out of survival mode and begin making plans for their future outside of poverty. 

If you are interested in serving within our Emmaus Road program or have any questions please contact nate.knox@thelotproject.com 

Nate Knox