Veterans Day

November 11th was initially celebrated in 1919, in remembrance of the end of World War 1. It was eventually declared a national holiday and renamed Veterans Day as an effort to recognize and celebrate all those who served in the military.

Sadly, there are many veterans who will not feel celebrated today. Many veterans are struggling to make ends meet. As of 2020, HUD estimated approximately 365,000 veterans in South Carolina. Over 14% of those men and women are struggling to find affordable housing. They struggle with things like overcrowding, substandard housing, and excessive home cost. Harder still... HUD estimates at least 428 South Carolina Veterans are homeless.

We know a few of those, and serve them often at the LOT Project. We have served over 700 unique individuals at the LOT, and at least 12 of those (that we know of) are veterans.

On this veterans day, we ask you to do a few things. If you know a veteran, be sure to thank them for their service. If they're struggling... either financially, physically, or emotionally... be sure to check on them and help out if you can. And if you have a heart for serving those veterans in the highest level of need - give us a call.

For more information, check out

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